AUZ 0.00% 1.1¢ australian mines limited

AUZ Funding, page-80

  1. 3,904 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1574
    The European Commission, for example, with its recently adopted "Strategic Action Plan on Batteries: Building a Strategic Battery Value Chain in Europe"

    Unbelievable report, all take the time to read it and see what is happening.

    Thank you Vintage full marks for informative news.
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Mkt cap ! $15.38M
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1.1¢ 1.2¢ 1.1¢ $12.16K 1.104M

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23 21124544 1.1¢

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Price($) Vol. No.
1.2¢ 2179624 11
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Last trade - 15.18pm 07/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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