AUZ 4.55% 1.2¢ australian mines limited

AUZ - SKI - Count Down Begins. 5days, page-332

  1. 12,926 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 15773
    " Most companies actually report before the last day. " & " It's the period that counts the most "

    Are you for real mate. There is no Company in ALL my years involved in the Accounting and Finance Industries where a company reports it's ' Actual ' results before the last Day or ' Balance Date' of a reporting period. Hence the requirement in accordance with accounting standards to report ' Events ' subsequent to Balance Date. You are absolutely wrong on that point and should know better quite frankly. Companies may give guidance on said Accounting Period in question - but you are totally missing the point being made here and the significance of the date.

    In so far as your second point - well you are absolutely right - ' its is the period that counts the most ' .......what.png
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1.2¢ 2912035 9
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Last trade - 14.51pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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