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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1875

    Are Kipushi-type deposits considered to be SEDEX?

    Kipushi-type deposits are considered to be a type of sedimentary exhalative (SEDEX) deposit. SEDEX deposits are formed when hydrothermal fluids, which are rich in metals, rise from the Earth's mantle and discharge onto the seafloor. The metals then precipitate out of the fluids and form ore deposits.

    Kipushi-type deposits are a specific type of SEDEX deposit that is characterized by its high copper and zinc grades, as well as its presence of rare earth elements and other valuable metals. Kipushi-type deposits are also typically found in association with sedimentary rocks, such as limestone and shale.

    Some geologists believe that Kipushi-type deposits are formed in a different way than other SEDEX deposits. They argue that Kipushi-type deposits are formed when hydrothermal fluids interact with carbonate rocks, which releases carbon dioxide and other gases. This causes the hydrothermal fluids to become more acidic and capable of dissolving metals from the surrounding rocks. The metals then precipitate out of the fluids and form ore deposits.

    However, other geologists believe that Kipushi-type deposits are formed in the same way as other SEDEX deposits, but that they are simply enriched in copper and zinc due to the specific composition of the hydrothermal fluids.

    Regardless of how they are formed, Kipushi-type deposits are a valuable source of copper, zinc, lead, and other metals. They are also important because they can contain rare earth elements, which are increasingly used in high-technology applications.

    In conclusion, Kipushi-type deposits are considered to be a type of SEDEX deposit. However, there is some debate among geologists about the exact mechanism by which they are formed.
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