b o'farrell has fixed the drunks, page-16

  1. 11,213 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    "The O'Farrell government announced on Tuesday that venues will be forced to lock out patrons from 1.30am and stop selling alcohol by 3am."

    Betting that this will be way insufficient. Lockout at 10.30 and closing at midnight might make a more noticeable difference.

    Pubs used to close at 10.30 pm until they were taken over by the corporates and the power of their lobbying. Big business has had a negative effect in this area as evidenced by the problems emanating from the pubs now.

    The taxpayer and grieving families are left to pay the cost of the greed of the few, once again. Perhaps the cost of hospitalisation and future disability care should be left to both the perpetrator and their family, as well as the particular venue where the violence has taken place, including when it has moved outside the front door.

    The NSW government could do well to have some type of commercial to show people just what an embarrassment to themselves they can become when obliterating their brain cells in a drunken orgy. Also could follow both a victim and the perpetrator through the experience of the outcomes from a violent assault.

    Perps and potential perps need to become derided by the rest of society to such a degree that they will learn to step back, take a deep breath, turn around and walk away, knowing that society will only ridicule and mock their actions. There is little more effective method in changing someone's behaviour than to embarrass them into submission to peer group pressure.

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