b o'farrell has fixed the drunks, page-23

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    pgrant, yes, there will be more house parties with gate crashers, fights, neighbourhood noise, which will be unable to be policed.

    I think O'Farrell's decision is disgraceful. Punishing the majority and hurting many businesses at the same time.

    More initiatives could have been tried instead of just pandering to the noise makers. As i said, I like Campbell Newman's stance where he wants to wait and speak to young people about theirs and his concerns. He is not prepared to make rash decisions on this and punish the majority of well behaved people.

    Could we have more police presence between clubs and around cab ranks? Could clubs employ security to also rove and monitor movement between clubs and between the club/pub and cab ranks. Could clubs try initiatives building a database of their customers and their behaviour (like in WA). Advertising campaigns targeting mates to look after their mate and tell him to walk away. Advertise the punishment for assault and one punch penalties. Make it mandatory for security to put a person in a cab if an incident happens inside or outside a club's premises.

    The NSW government has taken the easy way out and just punished every young person. It's grossly unfair.
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