What we are witness to is the Collapse of a highly leveraged...

  1. 230 Posts.
    What we are witness to is the Collapse of a highly leveraged financial institution that is and was a predator like MFS and a disaster wating to happen. It is not a gradual meltdown but a total collapse.

    The cliched stock phrases comming out of the company only strengthens the resolve of a more educated (albeit painfully so) public fed up of these maggots living off the savings of the investment public by pure manipulation of stock prices tied to the gains in the stock options and bonuses of its board and managers. Green and Co must be brought to account. The evidence is out there. We now need MORE whistle blowers. You know where to go.

    Someone has to go to jail before this nation ends up bankrupt or blood hits the streets. ASIC is a dungeon of fools, politcally correct and inexperienced nerds in shoulder pads (20 years after they went out of fashion) and pedigree lawyers (nerds from rich schools). None with a brain none with an education. Rich academic orientation evidenced by the fashionable parchments on their walls.

    Finally Mary Rose may get her day in court. The Queensland courts are the other core of corruption where judges fail to declare if they hold any investments in the Babcock and Browns of this world either directly or substantially through their super funds. A Den of Vipers. Come looking for us Bring it on.

    Some of the larger law and accounting firms assist them by creating clever devices and shelters to conceal these investments which are about to come undone now.

    The Heat is on my friends. The heat is on. get out of any Babcock and Brown investment or any ventures they are involved in. Read my lips. The word Fraud is screaming obsecenities from what was considered the grave of their victims thought buried by these vultures.

    I like many others am waiting for them to try to restructure and to re invent themselves without the courts approval like MFS did. ASIC are too dumb to fathom whats going on like the idiots that sit in judgement in our courts.

    If these wigged and robed fossils do not know why the rape of a 10 year old child is a jailable offence, or that they cannot simply sack the chief magistrate, release murderers and jail traffic law offenders, its time we all took to the streets and ask why was Beattie not investigated and why did the courts suppress the information Mary Rose should have been able to reveal under their protection.

    Publish and be Dammned or be Dammned anyway.
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