If Babcock and Brown were to be called on to pay all of its...

  1. 230 Posts.
    If Babcock and Brown were to be called on to pay all of its outstanding debts and obligations today, would it be able to meet these payments?

    What is the effect of such a scenario? Is Babcock and Brown, a company that has lost about 75% of its market capitalisation over the past 6 months, solvent by definition of the Corpoations act?

    Could someone at Babcock and Brown please comment? or do I have to raise the question at a larger and louder forum having lost consderable sums of hard earned money?

    Where is the Australian Financial Review, the Corporate Regulator, and the ASX when they are needed most? why have Babcock and Brown not been suspended whilst its affairs are being worked out 9as they claim they are)? Why do we have to wait till another MFS or another Westpoint occurs and the smaller shareholders the only ones exposed to the mismanagement of whats really in effect public funds in the hands of private entities and individuals behind the protection of the Corporations Act.

    How could a corporation as large and as avaracious as Babcock and Brown not be suspended in the light of their losses (much of which were inflated, misreported and misleading information about their performance?).

    If this were Joe Blogs there would be TV cameras, incessant and persistant abuse and insulting coverage of directors and their families. Why should Green be exempt?

    There is a group of us who have written to the SBS, to Channel 9 and to 4 Corners to air the internal workings of this company and others like it, but particularly it, with a view to making an example of directors who for one reason or the other appear immune to or exempt from the rigours of disclosure and investigation of their conduct as directors by the regulator. We want a public investigation with or without their cooperation and will push for it.
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