BNB babcock & brown limited

babcocks slippery slope, page-51

  1. 811 Posts.
    LP again please state fact.

    1. bnb to answer for listed (i assume you are referring to listed hybrids) SP of the subs. - yes they have been dragged down by bad sentiment, escept bbp, more so by alinta price.

    2. funds finding a way to extricate themselves from bnb - it is a very well documented fact these have been setup with iron clad agreements (hence the HARD ASSET) for many many years of fees back to bnb.

    Best talent are shareholders (40% of the company is held by employees) another documented fact, not to say some have left and others are looking but no mass exodus and the good ones would see the underlying value and most likely buying.

    without new funds and a run on of existing funds BNB is all debt and dwindling cash flow..- bnb has 750 undrawn and have access to platform specific funds - again if you have a specific please feel free to share it with us.

    I think you are confused as there is no RUN on bnb they are not a fund manager that you can take out your money (like your super), they manage listed (and unlisted) infrastructure and investment vehciles (mostly).. with good and increasing cash flow

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Currently unlisted public company.

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