Speeches Ignore Impending U.S. Debt Disaster; No Mention of...

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    Speeches Ignore Impending
    U.S. Debt Disaster;
    No Mention of Fiscal Gap,
    Estimated as High as $72 Trillion

    By Caryolyn Lochhead
    San Francisco Chronicle
    Sunday, September 12, 2004

    WASHINGTON -- The first of the 77 million-strong Baby
    Boom generation will begin to retire in just four years.
    The economic consequences of this fact -- as scary as
    they are foreseeable -- are all but ignored by President
    Bush and Democratic challenger John Kerry, who
    discuss just about everything but the biggest fiscal
    challenge of modern times.

    Yet whoever wins the 2004 race will become the first
    U.S. president to confront what sober-minded experts
    across the political spectrum describe as an
    impending "fiscal catastrophe" lying right around the

    Astronomical federal debt, coming due as the Baby
    Boom generation collects Medicare, Medicaid, and
    Social Security, is enormous enough to swamp the
    promises both candidates are making to voters,
    whether for tax cuts, health care, 40,000 more
    troops, or anything else.

    "Chilling" is the word U.S. Comptroller General
    David Walker uses to describe the budget outlook.

    "The long-term budget projections are just horrifying,"
    adds Leonard Burman, co-director of tax policy for the
    Urban Institute. "I've got four children and it really
    disturbs me. I just think it's irresponsible what we're
    doing to them."

    What these numbers portend are crippling tax
    increases on workers, slashed benefits for retirees,
    gutted budgets for homeland security, highways,
    research and everything else, and an economic
    decline or a financial collapse that devastates the
    middle class, as happened recently in debt-strapped
    Argentina. Eventually, analysts insist, someone --
    today's children or tomorrow's elderly or both -- will
    pay this debt.

    Traditional budget measures used by politicians and
    the press give what Walker and many others call a
    highly misleading view of the U.S. debt. These focus
    on publicly held debt already incurred, now at $4.5
    trillion, or 10-year budget forecasts like the one
    released last week by the Congressional Budget
    Office showing a record $422 billion deficit this year
    and a $2.3 trillion 10-year deficit.

    'Fiscal gap' in the trillions

    But these figures, worrisome enough, are deceptive
    because they ignore future liabilities such as Social
    Security and Medicare payments to the Baby
    Boomers. An array of government and private
    analysts put the actual U.S. "fiscal gap," which
    means all future receipts minus all future
    obligations, at $40 trillion (Government
    Accountability Office) to $72 trillion (Social
    Security Board of Trustees).

    These are not sums but present-value figures, heavily
    discounted to show in today's dollars what it would
    cost to pay off the debt immediately. The International
    Monetary Fund estimates the gap at $47 trillion, the
    Brookings Institution at $60 trillion.

    "To give you idea how big the problem is," says
    Laurence Kotlikoff, economics chairman at Boston
    University, who has written extensively on the subject,
    to close a $51 trillion fiscal gap, "you'd have to have
    an immediate and permanent 78 percent hike in the
    federal income tax."

    These obligations are not imaginary. And unlike the
    1980s and 1990s, economic growth cannot bail out
    the government because the Baby Boom retirement
    is at hand. Those born in 1946 will reach age 62 in
    2008, allowing them to take early retirement and
    receive Social Security benefits.

    "It's a number that's so large that people find it
    implausible, and so they don't think about it," said
    Alan Auerbach, an economist and the University
    of California at Berkeley who studies the issue and
    consults for the Kerry campaign. "But it's based
    simply on the projections we have for Social
    Security and Medicare. People aren't making
    these numbers up."

    A pathbreaking study by Jagadeesh Gokhale of
    the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland and Kent
    Smetters, a former deputy assistant secretary
    of the Treasury Department -- commissioned by
    former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill --
    estimated a $44 trillion fiscal gap. It laid out a few
    painful options on how to meet the liabilities:

    -- More than double the payroll tax, immediately
    and forever, from 15.3 percent of wages to nearly
    32 percent;

    -- Raise income taxes by two-thirds, immediately
    and forever;

    -- Cut Social Security and Medicare benefits by
    45 percent, immediately and forever;

    -- Or eliminate forever all discretionary spending,
    which includes the military, homeland security,
    highways, courts, national parks, and most of
    what the federal government does outside of the
    transfer of payments to the elderly.

    Such corrective actions grow more severe each
    year. Waiting just until 2008, the end of the next
    presidency, would mean raising the payroll tax to
    33.5 percent instead of 32 percent, the study found.

    Gokhale said that fresh numbers from the Medicare
    trustees show the fiscal gap has since grown to $72
    trillion, trillion of that for Social Security and an
    astonishing $62 trillion for Medicare, the government
    health care program for the elderly.

    "The long-term picture is pretty bad," Gokhale said.

    Election's absent issue

    These numbers are seldom discussed, least of all
    in the 2004 presidential race. Ironically, as the Baby
    Boom retirement has neared -- and the remedies
    grow more painful -- political discussion has faded.
    Gone is Ross Perot's anti-deficit crusade. Gone is
    Newt Gingrich's call for Medicare restraint. Gone is
    Al Gore's "lockbox" for the Social Security surplus.

    Instead, Kerry and Bush promise only to halve the
    current deficit in four years -- both "relying on pretty
    imaginative accounting to get there" said Burman --
    while promising more spending and more tax cuts.

    Yet today's deficit is a tiny fraction of the government's
    actual liabilities, which are so daunting they promise
    to make Bush's tax cuts a distant memory and Kerry's
    health care plan a fantasy.

    While Bush and Kerry propose to address parts of the
    problem, "the numbers don't add up on either side,"
    Walker says.

    Medicare makes up the bulk of these liabilities, driven
    mainly by the expanding elderly population and rapidly
    rising health costs. Social Security, more often
    discussed as a looming problem, actually accounts for
    far less in future debt.

    While Congress squabbles over whether the Bush
    administration hid the new prescription drug benefit's
    10-year cost -- pegged by the White House at $534
    billion versus CBO's $395 billion -- the actual liability
    incurred by the new drug benefit is estimated at $8
    trillion to $12 trillion.

    Kerry and Democrats call the drug benefit inadequate.
    They would do little to restrain Medicare costs other
    than allowing the importation of price-controlled drugs
    from Canada.

    Bush and Republicans added the drug benefit along
    with costly subsidies to providers. Even optimists do
    not expect their modest market reforms to cut costs.

    Promises, promises

    Kerry has promised not to cut Social Security. "I will
    not cut benefits," he said recently. "I will not raise the
    retirement age."

    Democrats generally cite "trust fund" numbers that
    show Social Security -- and Medicare to a lesser
    extent -- remaining solvent for decades, even though
    government officials repeatedly call the numbers an
    accounting fiction. CBO director Douglas Holzt-Eakin
    last week said the funds contain nothing but
    "electronic chits" that measure government
    obligations to itself.

    Bush proposes adding private accounts to Social
    Security for younger workers, which could reduce
    future government obligations, but would do so by
    diverting a portion of the payroll tax, adding $1
    trillion to the short-term deficit. That might have
    been feasible when Bush took office in 2000 facing
    a projected $5.6 trillion surplus, but the surplus is
    gone. Similar plans in Congress that instead rely
    more on benefit cuts have gone nowhere.

    "The country's absolutely broke, and both Bush and
    Kerry are being irresponsible in not addressing this
    problem," Kotlikoff says. "This administration and
    previous administrations have set us up for a major
    financial crisis on the order of what Argentina
    experienced a couple of years ago."

    If this sounds farfetched, former Bush Treasury
    Undersecretary Peter Fisher and former Clinton
    Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin both alluded to
    such a scenario at a June budget forum in

    "Having been involved in markets for a long, long
    time," Rubin said, "I can tell you these things can
    change unexpectedly and without warning,"
    referring to potential financial market reactions to
    the U.S. fiscal position.

    Fisher warned of a "pivot point" when "the collective
    wisdom of bond traders thinks that the deficit horizon
    has turned," adding, "Both Bob and I are nervous."

    The world has seen fiscal imbalances of this sort before,
    in Asia and Russia in the late 1990s and more recently
    in South America. Such financial panics can be
    triggered by any number of events -- a flight from
    Treasury bonds by the foreigners who buy much of the
    U.S. debt, for example -- if investors' views of the
    market, which are focused on the short term,
    suddenly change.

    "If you look at financial crises, they occur seemingly
    overnight," Kotlikoff says. "More and more pieces of
    straw drop on the camel's back, and all of a sudden,
    the camel collapses. ... Nobody knew exactly what
    day Argentina was going to go south or exactly what
    day Russia was going to default. The timing is up for

    But early signs of a problem are now appearing,
    analysts say, starting with the mounting deficits under
    Bush caused not just by the recession and terrorist
    attacks but also by enormous spending increases and
    tax cuts. The brief window of surpluses that appeared
    during the late 1990s economic boom offered a chance
    to address long-range liabilities, but those surpluses
    now are gone.

    "Maybe the public doesn't want to hear it," Kotlikoff
    says. "Maybe politicians think ... the American public
    can't understand the truth or hear the truth or bear the
    truth. I think this is garbage. I think that people care
    about their kids and grandchildren and need to know
    the dangers facing them -- and us."

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