It sounds as though you would remember Hairyback the days when...

  1. 1,025 Posts.

    It sounds as though you would remember Hairyback the days when your mother would give you the ration book to take to the local shop for groceries, 8 ounces of sugar, shopkeeper puts a line through sugar, 6 ounces of butter which was too expensive so we used margarine instead, anther line, six eggs, goodness knows how old they were although there was egg powder, sweets, what did they look like?.
    My mother used to darn my socks or take the shirt collar off when it was too worn turn it over and sew it back on.
    Where was my dad, well he was overseas somewhere serving in the RAF.

    When mum took me somewhere I had to behave, only speak when you were spoken to, a far cry from todays mums (parents) who go to the supermarket and let their children run rampant, who let them take products off the shelves, grab a chocolate bar, unwrap it and eat it, I watched as a mother grabbed a handful of runner beans and gave them to her children to eat. Did this amount to stealing? of course it did the same as the chocolate bar.
    Were all children brought up to be decent citizens back then? of course not but the majority were.
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