Alpha - heard it all before and we really are not interested in...

  1. 967 Posts.
    Alpha - heard it all before and we really are not interested in explaining to you why or why not. Would rather have a fat wallet than your endorement or support. You guys want us to agree with you despite what we have learnt over the years. You see you are not the first or the last to come up with this stuff. Mediocrity demands that you all agree with each other because you are all schooled by the same territorial academic mindset.

    Not one of these economists, demographers, staisticians have EVER called a boom correctly.

    Like the ocean you see - from a distance -say outer space the ocean looks flat - zoom in and hey - there are waves - zoom in closer and those waves create havoc - Syd to Hob Yacht race for eg a few years ago. Peaks and troughs. You want our standpoint go and get some books to read at good bookshops etc on real estate from successful long term investors.

    I and the other property practitioners know better and you guys usually don't want to. So forgive me if I poo poo your ideas and make money. Maybe someone in your family can be my carer as I get older - I promise to pay well.
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