Bris vegas"what a paradox" NO conflicting ideas at all facts are...

  1. 411 Posts.

    Bris vegas
    "what a paradox"

    NO conflicting ideas at all facts are their if you want to see them

    "the Y gen want what the boomers have (money) and the boomers want what the Y's have (youth)

    Right so gen Y (i'm X) wants money agreed they realise they will never be able to pay for your house & complain of the taxes they will pay to fund the BB"s

    "and the X's have the best of both but it wasn't always easy"

    SO IT IS NOW gees you obviously don't read posts backed on fact just emotion or your own beliefs

    "when I was in my 20's interest rates were way north of 10% and unemployment wasn't far behind"

    Already covered this interest rates mean jack I would prefer 18% mortgage on double my wage than 6 times wage @ 5-6%, for the most basic property I could buy
    just another deluded self absorbed view

    "the wheel turns ,"

    Yes a wheel turns

    "plan and work hard for it and you never know what might happen . ive worked 70 hour weeks in my life .... have you ??"

    What a great assumption my gen y brother is in the mines doing bigger than that, lots of friends who are genx are doing similar employed or with their own business, or just surviving with both parents doing combined 60-120 hours a week, silly comment

    But as you said Bris vagas "

    "Im on a holiday" enjoy

    Back to facts
    "The boomers borrowed heavily from their children's prosperity, so much so that there is no longer an assumption that future generations will be better
    off than their parents a damning indictment. It is time for a new social contract based on fairness between generations.

    "selfishly squandering the future of following generations?"


    "It is the next generation that wanted everything instantly without saving or working for it that has created the problem. "

    Simplistic response

    AS a gen x, gen y is worse off than me how can you work & save when years of negative gearing for bb's has driven rents so high that now
    the dream of a house for your family is not within reach

    "They amassed massive credit debt to have the latest car, the biggest house, the overseas holidays, expensive social life etc,etc. Their "baby boomer" parents have born the cost of a lot of this. A lot of this cost was/is the cost of maintaing them at home well
    past the time they should have left the nest."

    Comical you must be a today tonight or current affair fan or your a fan of "generalisations" to your own point of view

    "Generalisations are never going to reflect the situation for each one.

    what needs to be said facts have been offered

    If the children of baby boomers cant manage they should look inwards and see whose fault it really is."

    Solid gold thanks nursery "whose fault it really is." all gen x and gen y lets look inward people it is obviously our fault.,

    complain about generalisations than attack GEn x & gen Y and our kids who are going to have to solve the problem not baby boomers
    obviously we are still trying to work out how "its our fault"

    "They should shoulder more of the blame and accept some of responsibility."

    So you see a problem but gen x gen y Should accept some sort of responsibility & blame from the excesses of BB

    extremely funny

    Think that sums it up from original post
    what did the article say "colossal selfishness "
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