Babylon to fall in 1 hour, page-164

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    Very poor response. Not a single question addressed, just the usual bleating and insistence on sticking with your flawed view of God's Creation.

    "Always existed, lies of Coppo = "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.""

    No lies wotsup. The only lie is your claim to know and speak for the Creator of the Universe.
    Hermaphrodites have existed for as long as male/female gender. In some living things it is even the norm.
    It is only your ignorance and feeling of superiority that makes you think otherwise.

    No idea why you continue with this Genesis 6 business. It was amended shortly after when it became clear that all was not good and God destroyed practically the whole lot including the poor hermaphrodites that He had made.

    Get over it wotsup and get a bit of humanity and compassion while your at it.
    There are plenty of man made aberrations to complain about without including those who are the hapless victims of God's creation via Nature. It's stupid to claim people born with one leg or both sets of genitalia are that way because they are corrupted or created by Satan.
    Such a stupid thing to claim though you are by far the HC king in that department.
    Well, you do have some stiff competition, but IMV you win on consistency of saying stupid things.
    Not to mention you say them in large fonts and colours as if they were a virtue.

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