"Creation of man in case YOU have not notice was on day 6 and IT...

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    "Creation of man in case YOU have not notice was on day 6 and IT WAS GOOD and what does the Bible say man did, not God, but what MAN did?

    AND YOU have the cheek to blame God."

    You have that wrong and your silly stubbornness refuses to acknowledge your own contradictions.
    God may have thought what He did on day 6 was good at the time, but quickly changed His mind and decided to destroy the lot. That's a Biblical fact.

    This shows His plan and creation of Man was not perfect and NOT good. The plan was either flawed or done deliberately for reasons too horrible to imagine. Not a question of robots but of playthings.

    Why would an omnipotent, all powerful, all wise, all seeing Creator make Man in His own image, declare it good and then shortly after, decide it wasn't so good and destroy the lot.
    It's not me who has cheek and is blaming God, it's you who paints the picture of such a flawed God.

    You claim over and over that this all powerful God had planned everything from the beginning but now you say He was so short sighted He didn't even see that Satan with the help of Mankind would spoil it all.
    What rubbish and how disrespectful is that.

    Your position is ridiculous and you should get your head out of the OT and start taking Pear's advice on how to become a Christian instead of a rigid, narrow minded, silly, Bible thumping dumbbell.

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