Babylon to fall in 1 hour, page-169

  1. 25,460 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    God may have thought what He did on day 6 was good at the time, What a load of horse ???? and lies, no thinking about it, "it was good".
    Gen 1:31 - And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
    This shows His plan and creation of Man was not perfect and NOT good.
    Well, not interested in your flap trapping, show us from this verse how you could possibly get to this conclusion and read the following, yes the yellow highlight for God's answers as "we" are NOT at all interested in yours.

    Why would an omnipotent, all powerful, all wise, all seeing Creator make Man in His own image, declare it good and then shortly after, decide it wasn't so good and destroy the lot.

    Now this is well and truly on the STUPIDITY train NOW, well,..... as was from the beginning of your posts.
    Open you eyes and read, this ridiculous, nonsensical question is answered right here.

    12 God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways.
    Time for thy brain to kick mate, anyone home, knock, knock?

    Had you been able to understand the plain and simple language in Gen, which you have already shown in the past that you can't, you would have, should have known the obvious answer.
    Trouble is, you create an ambiguous moment when none exist.
    Your position is ridiculous.

    OH, and now your pumping Pear = YOU need say no more, that says more than you ever could. = What rubbish and how disrespectful is that.

    I could tell you where to get your head out of, but it appears you lot have a protector, one way street around here.

    Short sighted = your words NOT mine liar, at least I have sight to read simple words.

    Become a Christian = You wouldn't even know the meaning of one and if your mainstream said followers of lies is what your referring to, then count me out of that title, it would seem you caught their same bug with understanding words in the Bible, simple ones at that.

    You have that wrong and your silly stubbornness refuses to acknowledge your own contradictions.
    The only contradiction being created here is you own.
    It was GOOD and it became un-good GOOD by MAN = goodness gracious, open thine eyes, or are you blind?

    I tell you what, don't even bother replying, YOU have shown and become a rather sad, sad case, never known anyone that could twist some plain and simple words and make such an abomination of them.
    The penny should have dropped at the time of this nonsense of the Gen 3:24, and yet it's now gotten worse, if that is possible.
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