Background story to CV19 / HCQ and IVM treatments, page-1225

  1. 27,567 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3296
    that was the key for me. When i look for truth, and if there is a cover up, deception, and motive. Why would they prevent people from a safe drug ? that has been safe for 65 years (hcq) and IVM (40 years)
    If this is an emergency, surely you would want every tool in your tool box.
    So why then, lock that tool box ?

    I think current estimates are 30 plus $billion for Pfizer. And only if you can ban existing treatments to legalise Emergency Use Authority..

    PCR tests i think are 200 bucks each. Not sure. Only heard that figure once.

    The sheer madness, is that these are experimental genetic injectables , that killed the animals, and when you ask if your government is thinking clearly, do they really want to roll that dice on an entire population ?
    Yet further the long term risks of ADE, pulmonary clots, right side heart failure, neurological, cancers, fertility.

    Why would scomo, want maximum dispersal of a dangerous, NOT SAFE, NOT EFFECTIVE, experiment on all Australia ? Muppets in the TGA captured by big pharma.

    You have to think, political leaders may give sway to international pressures, we can not see.
    Yet look at india ! It is at a state level, that they have put IVM prophylactic availability, but not a federal level.

    You just have to look at the global warming agenda, that has exported the pollution, and manufacturing to china.
    Those in Brussels, who would want to dictate terms to the rest of the world.
    If Aus doesnt tow the line, what tarrifs it may face ?

    So when scomo thinks about the economy, opening up, he has swallowed a poisonous pill that an experimental injectable is the path, yet they fail to stop you getting sick, or transmitting it. Or risk of all the ills that come with it.

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