Background story to CV19 / HCQ and IVM treatments, page-139

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    Minute 20 - the lies
    - Severity - told much worse, to fear mongering. But in truth will effect the elderly and co-morbid, but otherwise only a slightly worse case of Influenza.
    - Lack of treatments.
    - PCR test , levels can be altered to detect a false positive.
    - Asymptomatic transition, but in truth needs high viral load to be transmissible. And by the time you have a high viral load, you will have symptoms. So people without symptoms, cant have high viral loads.
    - masks, truth most cant stop the small particle entering. Rather to try to stop those infected from broadcasting it.
    (so useless for the healthy, and more a containment for the infected)

    Interesting. I'm not sure on the Asymptomatic transmissible point. The others i agree with completely.

    Minute 36 - survivors of 2003 SARs and todays SARS 2, 80% similar virus, and the T cells in survivors blood recognize the new virus. Then consider the variants within cv19, from original wuhan, to current strain, 99.7% same. So that previous natural immunity if you have survived cv19 will be able to identify new strains, and your own immunity will recognize new strains. Hence a lie, about needing a vaccination when you have natural immunity from surviving CV19 already.

    minute 48 - dangers of the spike protein. All these cv19 vax have genetic code for the spike protein.
    Minute 49 - Spike P from 2003 sars given to animals intravenously causes blood clots, SP from sars cov 2 to bits of human immune system in test tube, triggers Cytokine storm. All vaccines will cause recipients to manufacture all or part of these sp. Shoulder highly vascular, so high probability of leakage into the cardio vascular system.
    Minute 53 - Host comments - MRNA has been a failure for over a decade, animal trials failed. and then all of a sudden all approved for human experiment. While Technology hasnt changed.
    Minute 56 - MRNA, engineered, non natural version of part of the message, chemical to human over the last decade. And didnt study where it produced the spike protein on the loose. Vaccine manufacturers are not required to study where it produced the sp on the loose. Brand new chemical into a human being, and havent studied what it would do on the loose. Not just then reproducing in the original site.?
    Minute 1.01 - why these are the most dangerous vaccines ever. Multi step in your body as factory.
    Random, variation on people that have SP leakage.
    Minute 1.05 - risk on placenta. SP similar to syncytin (outer layer of placenta) in same family? Antibodies could mistake. And attack placenta. hypothesis. probability low ? but consequence devastating. Antibodies to syncytin. Pregnant women should never be given experimental vaccine. Some evidence of binding in studies.
    Minute 1.15 Snapshot of VAERS
    Minute 1.17 - why would you organise the lies, if not to lead to large number of deaths, depopulation agenda.
    For every government at the same time.
    Minute 1.20 - when you government is doing something dumb or illegal, its up to you to reject it.
    Minute 1.22 - illegal under international law to coerce people to take an experimental agent.
    Minute 1.23 - vaccine passport
    Minute 1.27 - when everyone is hooked on vaccine boosters, they could put anything in. World evil doesn't change. Just the means.
    Minute 1.29 the great reset.?
    Minute 1.30 - conspiracy. It takes years to organise a global response, lies, and fear control. All the same blue print. Dont be afraid of the virus, be afraid of government.
    Last edited by stevenjd: 17/06/21
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