I hope your not suggesting we shouldn't worry about our parents...

  1. 428 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 51
    I hope your not suggesting we shouldn't worry about our parents dying because they are above age 60? If the overall rate is 2% and the rate for younger people is as low as you say, then the odds for those older than 50 and 60 must be well above 2%

    Not at all i was merely commenting on the video and other factors he had missed out. We have had lockdowns in Australia long enough for all vulnerable to be vaccinated. The lockdowns were for this reason initially, to protect those who were vulnerable. They have come at huge cost to protect those people. Those in the 60-69 age bracket the mortality ranges from 1.5%- 8.0%, 70-79 8%-19%, 79+28%-49%. Again these mortality rates do not include in them if the person has comorbidity

    Also, what about the other health issues? There are a lot of much younger people that have long lasting serious and debilitating side effects from Covid. No one knows how long they will go on for and no one knows what the long term effects might be.

    Long-lasting Covid-19 symptoms rare in children - BBC News

    Yes in the UK 4% of children will suffer from Long Covid. Long Covid is anyone who has a symptom for longer than 4 weeks. 2% of children have symptoms longer than 8 weeks. The most common symptoms were headache and tiredness, others included a sore throat and loss of smell. I wouldn't think these symptoms would lead to disabilities later in life. Something else we don't don't know the long term effects of is how mental health in Children/Adults is being effected.

    Many people complain about the unknown potential side effects of a vaccine simply because it is relatively new and might have unknown issues show up later but the alternative is a known, very significant risk of dying or longer term serious health issues and with its own unknownlong term health implications. I can understand people avoiding AstraZeneca because of a one in a million chance of dying from it because there are other vaccines that appear safer but I would have thought the logical choice was something like Pfeizer with an almost zero death rate and only a speculated potential for any long term side effects showing up later. Yes there are some known side effects. The more common ones are mild and short term and the serious ones are extremely rare.

    You can debate on this subject for ever, but what i will say is all vaccines prior to these had massive amounts of data(animal testing, human trials etc) before being made available to the public. 5 years was once considered quick for approval. I understand the hesitancy behind not taking them. Then we have the Lambda variant which is relatively resistant to the vaccine-induced antisera, it might be possible that this variant is feasible to cause breakthrough infection.”

    Everyone can decide what their preference is but one thing seems inevitable- sooner or later, we will all be exposed to Covid 19 and the choice isdoing so vaccinated or unvaccinated.
    There is no perfect option.

    I agree people should be able to decide whether they choose to vaccinate or not. By not doing so you are not putting anyone else at risk apart from yourself. Again I agree we will all be exposed to it at some stage and some may have already and not know.
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