Background story to CV19 / HCQ and IVM treatments, page-3001

  1. 27,685 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3331
    We are not academic scientists , rather we post the video evidence provided by those who are.
    It is up to the individual to weigh up the merits of each professional featured, their motivation, their credibility in their fields. Are they providing front line medicine ? or are they sitting behind some desk and have no idea about treating patients.

    There is always going to be those who are paid by big pharma to run a smear campaign, discredit, silence whistle blowers.

    Who do you trust. The doctors who are saving lives ? or the keyboard warriors trolls of big pharma.
    When you see courage of doctors who got fired from hospitals because they wanted to treat, but the admin of hospitals said you cant because we dont have NIH insurance for that off label medicine, take your insights into their motivation. Is not money. Is saving lives.

    There are two kinds of doctors. Those captured by the pharmaceutical industry playbook, and hospital procedures, administration hand cuffs, / and those who decided to actually treat the sick patient, with what they were trained to do. Save lives. I would take the insights of those who are not captive of a corrupt health system, but brave enough by their actions, to shed a light on what is really happening.
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