Background story to CV19 / HCQ and IVM treatments, page-3053

  1. 28,706 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 23
    Bit of satire here

    I can’t wait until the 5th wave when the people with 4 shots are blaming it on the people with 3 shots. #shots

    Someone already said it. LOL. Saw this morning.
    It seems there is at least still one vaxxed person in the world still acting like an adult. I cannot say the same for many of our ‘leaders’.
    Perhaps reflect on why this is the case? Why are people who claim they care sooo much about society and others well-being - who claim they are being altruistic - are so venomous in their vitriolic sanctimony against others who just want bodily autonomy for many good reasons? Where is the humanity?
    And don’t tell me this vaccine protects others. The science completely eradicates such a myth. These are NOT sterilizing vaccines. They allow infection and transmission and the same viral load in the vaxxed as the unvaxxed. The immunity wanes so rapidly that within 68 days, they are at half their efficacy. In 193, they are undetectable.
    So... (in my most pious of Lord Faucian voices, mask be upon him, I sermon thee this...)
    Raise your pitchforks, oh newly triple vaxxed and burn the double vaxxed witches at the stake - just like they burned the single vaxxed before them and the ‘unholy’ entirely unvaxxed - even if they had Covid and recovered. Burn them all. If they are not you, they are the enemy. And do not concern yourself with quadruplee vaxxed as they shall burn you as a martyr to put all in their rightful place. Together we can end this pandemic in a pile of human ashes created by the great inhumanity we invoke. Praise be the great Moderna era!

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