From the undertakers perspective.min 34 - undertaker sees non...

  1. 27,119 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3164
    From the undertakers perspective.
    min 34 - undertaker sees non covid deaths mis labelled.
    Min 40 - says that hasnt seen more deaths than usual, even a low period, but then is seeing more deaths after vaccines. describes vaccine injuries families of the dead speak up.
    Min 42 - suggests Delta is vaccine injury. Or are the vaccine injuries flooding hospitals, being labelled as delta ?
    min 44 - talk of new "variants " as a fear driver, to push more jabs. But the death tolls coming form the jabbed.
    Min 45 - no children he is aware of dying of CV19, so why co-erce a child of 12, who cant drink or smoke ?
    Min 46 - depopulation agenda.
    min 48 - Says they were going through 200 monkeys a week dying at the start of animal trials, that had to be halted, onto human lab rats.
    Min 50 - large 30,000 internment camps - FEMA camps - for unvaccinated ?, with crematoria next door ?
    How do you deal (eradicate) with those who wont get jabbed for their own protection ?
    Min 51 - Jabbed people die over the next 5 years, heart conditions etc.
    Min 54 - Hypocritical oath modified - removed "we shall do no harm"
    Min 55 - PCR test levels. Talks about what happening in Australia. Coerced, forced, threatened.
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