Background story to CV19 / HCQ and IVM treatments, page-5477

  1. 26,989 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3139
    i get the sense that they are trying to pitch treatments + vaccines, as the trojan horse to get treatments in the gates of troy.
    If they cant stop this $$$$ jab insanity that is causing deaths and injuries, putting treatments in the mix, could end the pandemic, thereby end the booster roller coaster. Even if treatments then illegalise the EUA.
    How to fight the dragon. You cant come at it front on. Perhaps Clancy has arrived at a clever underbelly attack.

    They want endless booster regime, that will feed into the next pandemic. Australia has already invested into MRNA tech on home grown soil. Bought the BS hook line and sinker. A tech that turns your body into a toxic factory.

    Demonstrate IVM as a viral killer. And its game over for the jab.

    A religious war.
    If you have seen any of Riccardo Bosi interviews, explains that the masonic lodge membership is benign at the lower levels, but the higher you go in public life, only get there if you are also higher member in the lodge. But the higher levels come moral depravity, and even Satanist rituals. The cabal , it gets a bit confusing to understand the full structure of the many limbs of the beast. I must admit to only being new peripherally to learn such so somewhat vague. But i knew something is at the head of the elite. I can see evil where it is day to day. We can all see its works. Even if we cant not quite see who is on the throne, and who are the bishops of the court. Billy or Betty, it makes no difference. We understand at the macro level. Lies that lead to death. Only part of the plan, sheep control. To achieve the end game. How many genocides have their been, argued they were doing it for our greater good.

    Riccardo Bosi explains it well. They want to separate us, prevent us from coming together so that we are weak, and then look to the state. First crush religion, especially christians who identify a higher power over the state power. Total control, communism. Convert everyone into dependency. You will own nothing and be happy. Thats what that Klause dick said. Except instead of the state, it is the elite new world order that will own everything.

    And they can sit on their seven hills as seven kings, until our lord Jesus, tears them a new one.

    How do you stop them, expose them. ? The digital identity bill must not get through parliament.
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