bad timing for carbon tax

  1. 2,158 Posts.
    Idiotic Swan and the Ideologist Green alliance - what a bad joke. I have been writing about how foolish this tax is; especially at this time in history.

    Here is another proof emerging about how bad the timing is on the introduction of the carbon tax.

    "STRUGGLING small business owners are reporting a hit to their profits from the carbon tax - but are unwilling to pass increased costs on to customers because of the tough retail environment.

    A national survey of 186 small firms has found 50 per cent are reporting carbon tax-related price hikes to power bills and other supplies. But only 33 per cent are making their clientele pay.

    With many high street retailers experiencing slow trading conditions, a mere 8 per cent favoured the carbon tax, according to The Daily Telegraph survey.

    And in more bad news for Prime Minister Julia Gillard, backing for Labor among small businesses has plunged.

    Only 7 per cent said they would vote Labor at the next election. Eighteen per cent voted for the ALP at the 2010 federal poll.
    Herald Sun Digital Pass

    About 66 per cent of the businesses surveyed - including bookshops, cafes, shoe stores, automotive outlets and other retailers - say they have absorbed the tax and have taken a hit to their profits.

    Some businesses claimed the effect of the tax is so bad they may have to close some operations.

    "We have to consider closing one business down to keep the other business open because of the carbon tax," said Doug Cush, the owner of Bellata Gold Pasta, in the northern NSW electorate of New England.

    Adrian Sykes, owner of the Autosmart vehicle cleaning products business at Rathmines, on the Central Coast, estimated a 5 per cent increase in wholesale costs with half a dozen suppliers lifting prices within a week of the carbon tax commencing.

    "People are using the carbon tax as an excuse; there hasn't been enough time for there to be a real impact," Mr Sykes said."

    That means inflation is lower than it might otherwise be - that is; the rise in unwanted inflation is less than it would be if economic conditions were robust. Therefore we have hidden inflation as more business are sent to the wall - smart management? I don't think so!

    These businesses are hurting thanks to this ALP and their loony Green partners. Government are supposed to be on our side, this one only cares about itself.

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