Bahai - an evil deception ?

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    Summary: Why the Baha’i Faith is Incompatible with Christianity

    It is clear that there are many admirable teachings that are a part of the Baha’i religion. But a number of its main teachings are in direct conflict with what the bible teaches, what Jesus actually said, and what Christianity is all about. One cannot accept and believe in the teaching of Baha’i, and also be a Christian. One must choose one or the other. You cannot have it both ways. Why?

    Human Nature is NOT “Fundamentally Noble and Spiritual”, contrary to what the Baha’i Faith teaches. The bible declares that “all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God.” We are not all “fundamentally” noble and spiritual – in fact, we are all fundamentally born into a state of “sin”, in need of a Savior. We are by nature sinful, selfish, and self seeking. You cannot “save yourself”, or attain any level of “godhood” through your own works. Only by believing and receiving Jesus can a person be saved, and changed by God into a “new creature”, who can than carry out those “good works” that God has prepared for them in advance. This is the Good News, and God’s promise according to the scriptures.

    Contrary to what the Baha’i Faith teaches, God does not “Educate Through Successive Revealed Religions”. This is another deception promoted by the evil through this religion. God’s plan has never been to reveal Himself through a series of religions. According to the bible, there is “one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all..” (Eph 4:5). There is no support for multiple successive revealed religions. In fact, Jesus, and His followers, specifically warned against false Christs, and those that would lead the believers in the church astray – especially in the “last days”: “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Tim 4:1) The bible encourages believers to “stand fast and hold the traditions which you were taught, whether by word or our epistle (2 Thes 2:15)

    The Notion that there is an Essential “Unity of All Religions” is False. All of the major world religions make conflicting claims which cannot be reconciled. Islam claims to be the only true religion, with Mohammed as its prophet. Buddhism claims that there is no Almighty Creator that we have to give account to, and that the path to “enlightenment” is to follow the teachings of Buddha. Hinduism claims that there is not one God, but thousands of “gods”. The major world religions each make exclusive claims, which necessarily conflict with one another, and with Christianity and the bible. The idea that all religions have an essential unity is nonsense. Either Jesus is who He said He was, or not. He is either Lord, Liar or a Lunatic. Most do not accept that notion that Jesus was a liar. Based everything that is written Jesis is the Answerabout Him, He clearly told the truth – and in fact claimed to be the Truth in bodily form. No one believes Jesus to be a Lunatic, since His teachings and life are a testimony to the sanest man that ever lived. So is He Lord? Jesus said “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life – no one comes to the Father except through Me. You must make your choice.

    In Contrast to What Baha’i Teaches, Jesus Christ is NOT “Just Another Prophet Like Moses”. The Baha’i Faith tries to position Jesus Christ along side Abraham, Moses, “Krishna”, Buddha, Zoroaster, Muhammad, and others. And wouldn’t you know, the Baha’s founders are supposed to be the latest examples of the “progressive revelation” of God I am sorry, but Jesus stands above and beyond any other so-called holy person or prophet. Only Jesus was nailed to a cross for humankind’s sins, died, was buried in a tomb for 3 days, and rose from the dead. All of these other holy men are still buried in the ground. Only Jesus performed the kind of awesome miracles that only God in human flesh could do – replicated food to feed 5,000; calm a violently stormy seas with a word; made the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame walk; and walked on water. On top of all this, only Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament about His coming. No, I am sorry but we must solidly reject this claim that Jesus was just another “divine manifestation”. Jesus was and is the one and only Son of God, God Himself come in the form of a person, to set us free from the bondage of sin and death. There is no other way to be saved – “for no other name is give among men by which we must be saved.”

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