Bahai - an evil deception ?, page-258

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    Hello. Religions do not have the same purpose:

    1. Hinduism appears to have the purpose of tribal supremacy of the Brahmins; which is why lower castes are treated like trash and India is probably the most immoral nation in the world among "religious" nations.

    2. Judaism appears similar, namely, to have the purpose of tribal supremacy of the tribe of Judah.

    3. Buddhism has the purpose of transcending this world of sensuality & materialism

    4. Christianity has also a transcendent purpose but also a purpose to redeem sinners

    5. Islam has a unifying purpose, therefore includes providing protection of other religions with a Book or Moral Code

    6. Judaism & Christianity appear to have no pluralistic purpose.

    7. Hinduism appears to have also a purpose of absorbing other religions into its hierarchy of beliefs

    Last edited by GKeden: 06/08/24
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