The Bahai's are ruled over by The Universal House of Justice...

  1. 10,742 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2102
    The Bahai's are ruled over by The Universal House of Justice that from my understanding are all men, no women allowed to be at the top making all the decisions.
    The Bahai's also known as seekers keep moving around and target the under privileged, and people with substance abuse problems, this is a issue because you are constantly around negativity and arguing family members within these under privileged groups or individuals with other issues, this then keeps a Bahai members vibration at a very low level that results in not resonating within the God consciousness, this is not spirituality when you put yourself in these kinds of situations all the time, it is just feeding of the low vibes of others, a soul must always look after themselves first, and that involves protecting you vibration from dropping by not being around negative situations and people to often.
    The Universal House of Justice have complete power over many governments and the western media, so it is easy for them to hide the truth of what they are actually like.
    The Universal House of Justice will not allow members to write there own interpretations about spirituality and God, they will rule over what you can write or publish, and on social media and videos.
    They claim to be a spiritual faith, but saying it and as written by Baha-u'llah is one thing and quite agreeable by me on most of his writings, but putting it into practice is another thing, they by no means practice what they preach, and I suspect that this is because that the inhuman darks have taken over there faith just like all the others.
    There leadership is very sneaky in hiding the truth, but based on the limited people talking about there experiences and those in the know, plus after contemplating and reading between the lines after my first meeting with a very active Bahai's, it is clear to me that very good spiritual souls are being trapped by a controlling brainwashing leadership of dark beings, or they are just low vibrating souls, that have taken over the Bahai faith so they can trap high vibrating souls to feed of the energy of there low vibe experiences.
    This group because of The Universal House of Justice is a borderline cult, and should be avoided unless the leadership is removed and replaced by a lightworker who could then reform and help create a new leadership based on true spirituality and true freedom of each soul.
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