I have only gotten to the sun and moon area.All prior to that,...

  1. 25,183 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I have only gotten to the sun and moon area.

    All prior to that, it is already within (me) and well an truly acknowledged, understood.
    Especially how you will be disliked, even hated and Jesus warned, that his would even come from those around you.
    Much of myself, or you might say the inner, in many regards, I don't reveal as it will bring much ridicule and in a lot of ways, I'm a pretty closed person etc.

    On the opener, which they sort of corrected -> "Detach from what is in heaven" = what.png

    "I go away and another in place"
    I could could give much detail and Bible proof, the another is the Father -> All to be taught by him, and as you well know, that is Not happening = Alarm BELLS.

    "Jesus said he would also come"
    That is the very same Jesus, exactly.

    "His words, which were the Fathers, will never pass" -> we are to be reminded of them and taught what they mean = No other words needed, if they are taken on board, and acted upon, in other words, they become you = You become one as they are one = In Word.
    You become a Light, no Darkness in you. (That which is born of The Light, is Light, of the Father of lights)
    As I Have said, we are to be come Words of God, deemed as, your words being your person expressed -> Light manifesting.
    You won't pass away (Words) as they also have you in their hands, firm grip (John) -> Dual meaning here.

    I'm not saying that there wouldn't be manifestations through others, but I would suggest not in the context you say.
    The way they skipped around the brief I just covered here (The another and Jesus come as well), immediately appeared to me, that they were setting the stage, for them to enter, open the door so to speak -> that is how it appeared to me, and that is from standing back out of my picture, and letting the Bible do the talking.

    Over time, out of curiosity, I will steadily work through it, as there are quite a few good points, not a lot knew to me yet, not that I've read anything else, it's just what's in, part of me.......now I'm revealing too much of the me lol.

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