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    In Contrast to What Baha’i Teaches, Jesus Christ is NOT “Just Another Prophet Like Moses”. The Baha’i Faith tries to position Jesus Christ along side Abraham, Moses, “Krishna”, Buddha, Zoroaster, Muhammad, and others. And wouldn’t you know, the Baha’s founders are supposed to be the latest examples of the “progressive revelation” of God I am sorry, but Jesus stands above and beyond any other so-called holy person or prophet. Only Jesus was nailed to a cross for humankind’s sins, died, was buried in a tomb for 3 days, and rose from the dead. All of these other holy men are still buried in the ground. Only Jesus performed the kind of awesome miracles that only God in human flesh could do – replicated food to feed 5,000; calm a violently stormy seas with a word; made the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame walk; and walked on water. On top of all this, only Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies in the Old Testament about His coming. No, I am sorry but we must solidly reject this claim that Jesus was just another “divine manifestation”. Jesus was and is the one and only Son of God, God Himself come in the form of a person, to set us free from the bondage of sin and death. There is no other way to be saved – “for no other name is give among men by which we must be saved.”
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