Bahai spirituality, universal law of love, page-67

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    Is It Cruel to Eat Animals?

    David Langness | Feb 27, 2015
    PART 7 IN SERIES Cute Baby Animals

    In the physical realm of creation, all things are eaters and eaten: the plant drinketh in the mineral, the animal doth crop and swallow down the plant, man doth feed upon the animal, and the mineral devoureth the body of man. Physical bodies are transferred past one barrier after another, from one life to another, and all things are subject to transformation and change, save only the essence of existence itself — since it is constant and immutable, and upon it is founded the life of every species and kind, of every contingent reality throughout the whole of creation.
    Some animals, the Baha’i writings explain, have no choice in what they eat, and must kill other animals to survive:
    Regarding the eating of animal flesh and abstinence therefrom, know thou of a certainty that, in the beginning of creation, God determined the food of every living being, and to eat contrary to that determination is not approved. For instance, beasts of prey, such as the wolf, lion and leopard, are endowed with ferocious, tearing instruments, such as hooked talons and claws. From this it is evident that the food of such beasts is meat. If they were to attempt to graze, their teeth would not cut the grass, neither could they chew the cud, for they do not have the molars. Likewise, God hath given to the four-footed grazing animals such teeth as reap the grass like sickle, and from this we understand that the food of these species of animal is vegetable. They cannot chase and hunt down other animals. The falcon hath a hooked beak and sharp talons; the hooked beak preventeth him from grazing, therefore his food also is meat.
    But human beings, Abdu’l-Baha continued, can voluntarily decide to do without meat:

    My Comments
    It was not a divine creation of God when animals were created to eat meat nor did humans eat meat in the original creation of the human beings on earth, all was changed by the dark aliens who manipulated our DNA and created fear, animals that eat meat were created by these dark aliens, not God.
    God never intended for other souls to eat God, when you eat a animal you are eating God, you are eating another soul.
    Eating meat keeps your vibration low and away from the light, keeps you in the incarnation trap.
    The new earth, known as heaven on earth will have all animal eating animals removed due to there incompatibility to the higher vibrations of God consciousness, this will also include certain insects.
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