balance sheet and cashflow analysis, page-4

  1. 5,378 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2

    Brokers raised money for MBE for free (please check appendix 3B in april and work out the price). 1m shares to brokers as service fee and there should be some cash commission. Punters who old enough will know how much broker normally charge in a capital raising.


    complete IGNORANCE of Creditors' difference.


    Another positive from yesterday update:

    "4th Screen delivers three consecutive record sales weeks":

    i guess these 3 weeks happened somewhere between April and May, the momentum is there for a record result of this current 4th quarter, and MBE is heading toward a promising new financial year 2014/15 with more than 5-folds increase in mobile users market:

    "Convey on track to grow its global direct carrier billing serviceable market from 28 million to 150 million mobile users by 30 June 2014".
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