I read things on this forum, which repeat much of what I wrote...

  1. 1,853 Posts.
    I read things on this forum, which repeat much of what I wrote over a year back. For example - getting rid of all the Moslem Clerics will bring peace to the world for sure - hmmmmmmmmm - yes, others are saying that to.

    So I find myself always a year or two ahead of the rest - what a curse.

    When the Tampa affair broke out, and Indonesia - rather than hold back the flood, encouraged it, I think I was the first to write that Islamic terrorist were to be found as sleepers amongst these boat loads (some are probable still in detention. Now some on this forum agreed with me and others, the psuedo intellectuals came out with all manner of indignation. And all this was before Sept. 11th.

    I think if I say it today, perhaps more will shut up and think, before they take on that leftist bs do gooder routine.

    Moslems - are dangerous - they are dangerous beyond belief. They cower and lurk in the shadows, conspiring at every turn, but try and portray an image of civility to the outside world. They practice Takia - `lie to you eye teeth and hide your true intent' is their credo. But when they have the number, such as in Great Britain, they then do expose there true intent - to establish a World Islamic Council, by what ever means possible - including murder.

    And this hatred, jealousy and contempt toward the Western Christian conscious Societies, is driven by their dark lord, as Salmon Rusdie dared to point out - driven by the same menace that drove Hitler, under the guise of superiority and seeking of power.

    Get real peoples - these Islamics are sick sick - you know what, and they mean to destroy the west any which way they can. We are in a titanic struggle from here on in.
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