For those that missed his despicable post: Subject re: Bali...

  1. Yak
    13,672 Posts.
    For those that missed his despicable post:

    Subject re: Bali Death Toll Rising... ( 0 reads - 0 replies )
    Posted 13/10/02 13:50
    Member cheech

    I will try my very best to refrain from idle gossip, ineundo and rumour because of the nature of this attack which I believe is a sinister attempt to reverse the trend against any Iraq war in Australia and the west in general.

    Balinese who report having seen the driver of a vehicle that is reported to have been the carrier of the explosive device that detonated killing almost 100 civilians. claim that the driver is a local who was in the employ of a local Chinese businessman with very strong connections and a frequent visitor to Australians in the region. What conclusions are we to draw?? none.

    But before the hand of desperation goes blaming Muslims (convenient scapegoats) and the army, let us examine the possibilities and the motives of those who would seek to explode a device in Bali.

    Australian operatives of the Federal Police and ASIO as the Foreign Minister Alexander Downer proclaimed on Sunday on chanel 9 this morning have been active in the region for years.

    Their history?? apart from 'assisting' Suharto (he said years) a butcher who engaged and was trained in the art of using agent provocatuers to exterminate his own people to achieve political goals, the AFP is know to have engaged agents to also sink illegal immigrant boats in an effort to achieve a specific goal. Human life to all of the participants is a disposable commodity. Especially at a time like this.

    The blams and the rhetoric will flow long and fast. The media will shamelessley adhere to the 'D' classification ( a remnant and anachronistic tool of world war 2 and the British) and not publish material 'detrimental to national security'.

    As I did on the morning of September 11 2001 and for the ridicule I received then complete with unsubtle threats, claiming it to be the work of a faction of the ISI (inter service intelligence) of Pakistan through Kashmiri separatists, I will continue to post this from the information I receive from Indonesia from sources that I consider reliable.

    We as a nation have a history of distorting the truth, of aiding and abetting in the massacres of innocents in Viet Nam, Korea, Malaya and Borneo and certainly now in Indonesia I believe. If not definately in this Balinese incident then at least with the sinking of the illegal migrant boats for which the evidence has been overwhelming.

    I also understand that police in Jakarta (albeit those with distinct connections to the Jamaat el Isammlia) tell of the police being led into concluding Iraqi dissidents and illegals in Indonesia were recruited by Saddam Hussein to come to Australia as sleepers to carry out terrorist activities here and are likely to be another set of scape goats.

    The Indonesian military that houses several factions diametrically opposed to each others interest are also in the firing line. What disturbs me most is our history of complicity in such actions from the Suharto era which will make any of our claims o innocence hard to believe to outsiders. We may bombard our own with tales of bravery and anguish and feign outrage. But who is it that really carried out this dastardly attack.

    You'll soon see Richard Butler in Action with his scurrilous claims, Alexander Downer and Howard all claiming that now we have no choice but to kill Saddam.

    Oil will rise and now gold with the Chinese influx expected within the next 2 years. There is no gold available for sale in Bali and Jakarta is believed to be importing from Singapore for their local Chinese communities.

    As I said earlier and echoes by sunnyjim....this is the worst, one-sided, soul-of-a-country destroying and bloody dangerous post I think I've seen on this site.
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