ballot papers as bullets to "say goodbye" to the prime minister, page-20

  1. 48,960 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 652
    "though when independence get elected they often forget their promises.". ..... I don't know about "forget their promises" as they usually haven't had opportunities through numbers of independents to bring the changes they desire.

    with a substantial increase in independent MPs they can then work to change the culture within parliament. one e they gain at least 30% of the House they'll become a real mover and shaker phenomenon.

    but even as single independents, eg Wilkie, they have made significant impact on the public perspective of parliament. its only independents who can raise the issues that the duopoly want kept quiet.

    I won't go into the grog matters you mention. imo alcohol should be managed identically with tobacco.
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