There’s a good chance people are going to get sick of me saying...

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    There’s a good chance people are going to get sick of me saying it.

    But the Greens aren’t who they used to be!

    Have a look at what they’ve been up to over the past week.

    Greens leader Adam Bandt gave an address to the National Press Club on Wednesday where he unveiled he would be running “the biggest campaigns in Greens history to win lower house seats”.

    He reckons the Greens could win five seats and share power with Labor at the next election.

    But here’s the thing.

    In his speech, Bandt said the word “environment” just once.

    He did not talk about the Australian bush or our oceans.

    He did not talk about conserving our rivers, like the Greens did in the 1980s.

    Instead, Bandt said the word “tax” a total of 61 times and the word “billionaire” 12 times.

    Keep in mind that this is the bloke who spent tens of thousands of your tax dollars to fly in a private jet to lecture you about climate change.1

    So what are the Greens really about these days?

    Not you and me, that’s for sure.

    Not mainstream Australians.

    Not making your power bills and groceries cheaper.

    So apart from the 4 billion in new business taxes2 , which Bandt announced on Wednesday, what will a Labor-Greens power sharing arrangement look like?

    Take a look at the mega-deal struck between Labor, the Greens and the Teals last week.3

    Behind closed doors, they agreed to legislate a new “Net Zero Economy Authority” and force companies – including many farmers supplying our groceries – to make “climate disclosures”.

    It will create a “pipeline of green projects”.

    Which will be a hit list of regional communities to be destroyed by industrial-scale wind turbine and solar projects, some as big as European countries.

    On top of that, the Greens are demanding the end of all new coal and gas projects.4

    That just means job losses and your cost of living through the roof even more than it is now.

    What’s this got to do with saving trees?

    What would the Greens of the 1980s, the ones who fought to stop the damming of the Franklin, say about that?

    We don’t know, because now the Greens are not who they used to be.

    But one thing’s for sure.

    I’ll be fighting them every step of the way.

    Yours sincerely,


    Sandra Bourke
    ADVANCE Spokeswoman


    1 Daily Mail Australia, ‘How Greens leader Adam Bandt spent thousands on private jet flights while lecturing you about climate change’, March 12, 2024
    2 The Australian, ‘Greens go “Robin Hood” in 4bn big business tax threat to Labor’, August 27, 2024
    3 The Australian, ‘Labor strikes mega deal with Greens, crossbenchers’, August 22, 2024
    4 The Australian, ‘Hung parliament would see huge pressure on gas’, August 27, 2024
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