"Thanks for posting the article. Interesting since Japan has has...

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    "Thanks for posting the article. Interesting since Japan has has a massive QE program for decades. Do you have a view as to why Japan has ended it's money printing program?"

    Hi Cranny,

    That is an interesting question, which I have the feeling that Dub is not going to answer. So let's try to see if we can get some sort of explanation although I must confess right now that I have no firm answer, just a suggestion, as I am not acquainted in any way with the issue.

    But before going there, let's list what factual information we have.

    1) In January last 1 dollar was buying 103.0000 Japanese Yen and now 110.0000, representing a 9.7% devaluation of the Yen.

    2) QE has been justified as a tool to fight deflation and not as a a prime example of beggar-thy-neighbor policy.

    2) The global economy is entering the post covid19 period while facing the prospect of bottle-neck inflation.

    From all these things it must follow, I believe, the need for central banks to act to end QE in a coordinated way with the Bank of Japan being just the first one to move.

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