GXY 0.00% $5.28 galaxy resources limited

Banter and General Comments, page-12692

  1. 8,485 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3012
    But they do seem to have a tendency to shoot themselves in the foot.

    I would like to be wrong but shipping guidance looks like will be missed by 50% of the low guidance and close to 60% of the midpoint.

    When giving that guidance they should have been more conservative if unsure.

    Missing in itself is not an issue but it gives the appearance they dont have there finger on the pulse.

    I understand the sector is under fire, but that cant be the excuse all the time. Plenty of companies out perform their sector in a down turn. GXY should be one of those.

    It should certainly be out performing the SP of other companies with heavy debt loads. Comparing charts and saying see its the sector is not right as the companies are quite different on a financial metric.

    Last edited by GARETH78: 24/12/19
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