GXY 0.00% $5.28 galaxy resources limited

Banter and General Comments, page-15075

  1. 14,284 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8702
    Good, I say!
    They can get a bit of their own medicine!

    There is a clear sense of change occurring, great action across the sector lately. GXY now up almost 40% off its recent lows, others (e.g. ORE) similar. I notice Ganfeng and CATL heading back towards their Feb highs after the big Covid beat-down. The forward-looking market will react before we see the change in pricing imo, anticipating what is building, learning from the recent EV sales action in Europe as well as significantly revised incentive/subsidy programs in key major markets.
    Whether or not the lows are behind us for good now is yet to be seen, but it is taking shape nicely and I don’t think anyone can reasonably deny there are a big few years ahead, as the transition to electric everything takes hold and grows.. and grows.

    Go Galaxy

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Currently unlisted public company.

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