AKE 0.00% $9.83 allkem limited

Banter and General Comments, page-349

  1. 981 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3306
    Yes, indeed this is a great article and I recommend all read it. In particular, I encourage holders to take notice of the high level of disconnect by members of the 'industry' that rely on future lithium supply.

    A direct link to the article: https://media-exp1.licdn.com/dms/document/C4D1FAQEkbpyUA-I16A/feedshare-document-pdf-analyzed/0/1633613025244?e=1633752000&v=beta&t=-g8zxN2eX5JZB9qZHVv5T8ZKAM11yO75DUsrqmLfr_E

    Joes forecast:
    Benchmarks forecast:

    Canaccords estimates:

    Whichever way you look at it, if you are long the next few years are simply about accumulation, taking the opportunities when they arise.

    Regardless of what the price is today, it will be meaningless in 2027+ when the sector will go ballistic.

    Rule of thumb, having the conf call on Friday is generally a day to announce information you want to hide. Maybe they want to take advantage of ORE Fridays! But then again, a Thursday presentation in Arg would equal a Friday pres in Sydney. I see nothing in it, just mentioning it just in case some where thinking about it.
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