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A linked in postWith Covid lockdowns and the bulk of the wet...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 513
    A linked in post
    With Covid lockdowns and the bulk of the wet season behind us, it's great to welcome visitors to Mt Carbine.#Tungstenprices are showing signs of life, as measured by weekly APT numbers, so the best place to include on any site visit agenda is our loading area. Those white bags you can see on the ground contain roughly a tonne of tungsten concentrate each, the final stage of Mt Carbine processing. These concentrate bags, containing more than 50% tungsten, are picked up by semi-trailer and taken down to#Townsvilleport, then shipped to tungsten processors around the world. Mt Carbine is one of a select few sources of tungsten concentrate outside of China and, at this stage, the largest producer in Australia, something EQR people are proud of.https://hotcopper.com.au/data/attachments/4241/4241371-3ed293e80e4ae0877e25a4f23eb98d0b.jpg

    Last edited by scottm: 06/04/22
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