Barnaby Joyce Deputy PM, page-313

  1. 16,879 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8358
    Btw. Care to comment on this chart ?

    Sure. Here goes (I''l even do the courtesy of replicating the chart):

    coal demand graph.JPG

    Under the current policies which are in place, the IEA forecasts total global coal demand be unchanged between now and 2030 (consistent with what I posted irt to the IEA report in prior posts) and to go from 5,000 mtoe today to 4,750mtoe by 2040.

    5,000 to 4,750 over 20 yearss works out to an annual rate of reduction of....wait for it.... 0.26% per annum (no, not a typo... that is indeed zero-point-two-six percent - or 26bp, if you like) [*].

    Like it or not, looks like coal is going to be slopping around the world for several more decades, providing reliable energy for economic development and improvement in the living standards of millions of people in poor countries.

    (Remember: Not my view... the view of the clever scientists)

    [*] Pretty much a statistically insignificant reduction in the context of the typical forecast errors implicit in such long-range forecasting, even if those forecasts are made by some of the world's most highly accredited energy analysts.

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