Funny how the Labor Party crow about "helping the disabled" with...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Funny how the Labor Party crow about "helping the disabled" with the NDIS -

    when the Mum I know, with a child who was officially diagnosed with autism when they were very little - now has to jump through yards of red-tape paperwork, intrusive multi-page questionaires, and pay huge specialist fees to get a professional pediatric opinion (same bloke who said so in the first place), herself a Black Saturday bushfire survivor, injured that day, an unsung heroine who went out and saved others at risk of her own life - yes, she now has to "prove" this child is STILL autistic - just because they turn 16 soon. If this isn't done, she loses her CARER payments.

    First time I knew that turning 16 might be a "cure" for autism.

    Bet if SHE was a boat arrival - she wouldn't have all this insult and colossal strain and stress. She and her child would just be waved through. Centrelink - this way, please, madam. Welcome band, flowers, and lots of do-gooders with hampers. But this woman ONLY an Aussie.

    what utter hypocrites Labor are. And especially Jenny Macklin - who oversees all this mess. Then has the nerve to sit on the Front Benches - a grin like a Cheshire Cat.
    Wouldn't have a clue - about what REAL hardship - REAL personal battles, are! SO much for their purported "we care for the disabled!". Their crocodile tears.

    General funding re. autism help and research and early intervention centres funding (so crucial) is abysmal.

    Bah! HUMBUG!

    (And good on you Barnaby! Someone who says what he thinks. Truth for a change. Better than the Windsor two-faced waffler. And his equally culpable mate Oakeshott. Who now can't face the music - but run, like rats. Dish up the old "family reasons" rubbish.) Cowards and hypocrites they are.

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