Electricity will go up irrespective of who is in power...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Electricity will go up irrespective of who is in power Sharesrfun.

    What worries me is everyday I see the sun shining, the waves still lap at the beach, the wind still blows - and it's all going to waste. Three free resources.

    Not into gold coffins so I don't worry about money. Longevity, quality of life and a dash of altruism dictate the jangle of virtual worry beads.

    (strangely enough the quaterly bill just arrived this morning - $424: I'll live.)

    Transport concerens me more. Like Costello (we are about the same age), as a teenager I thought electric cars would be the norm by now. And why not? Main reason is the corporate power of the oil companies; buying out electric car patents, stifling opposition etc. Four Corners should be interesting tonight re Corporate Gene Ownership. The hidden side of right orientation.

    Us and them type stuff ala Tony concerns me more than letting an incompetent Midnight Oiler blow a billion. He won't last on the revised Front Bench. Society needs to knit in together better; a chance under Labor - impossible under Tony's understanding, compassion and tolerance levels.
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