RRS range resources limited

barrels per day, page-4

  1. 19 Posts.
    Hi Reyni,

    As taken from Range Research Report 2006 Independent Expert Report.

    It is quoted "oil production and oil price
    Based on the production sharing regime for Puntland and Range Resources’ 20% interest post the
    Canmex farm out, our modelling of production from a 100 million barrel field at US$60 per barrel derives an
    in ground NPV per barrel at a 10% nominal discount rate of US$3.94 to Range Resources. This equates to
    US$19.72 per barrel for the full interest. Oil price sensitivity is US$0.71 per barrel in the ground per US$10
    per barrel change in oil price assumption, for Range Resources’ 20% share. These results are prior to any
    corporate taxation outside Puntland.

    Oil Price US$/bbl Ultimate Recoverable Reserves MMBBL
    1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000

    40 $2,524 $5,048 $7,572 $10,097 $12,621
    50 $3,234 $6,469 $9,703 $12,937 $16,171
    60 $3,944 $7,889 $11,833 $15,778 $19,722
    70 $4,655 $9,309 $13,964 $18,618 $23,273
    80 $5,365 $10,729 $ 16,094 $21,459 $26,823

    The above table shows the value in millions of US$ for Range Resources’ share post the Canmex farm out
    at a range of oil prices and ultimate recoverable reserves for Puntland.

    Based on Range Resources’ issued capital post consolidation at US$60 per barrel and a 10% nominal
    discount rate, each Range Resources share has an NPV of $13.22 per billion barrels of ultimate recoverable
    reserves. This valuation does not discount for political risk, further dilution of capital to fund exploration and
    development, delay in exploration and development, or corporate taxation outside of Puntland.
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