yes... imagine if it'd been a packet of Black Jelly Beans!Who...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    yes... imagine if it'd been a packet of Black Jelly Beans!

    Who the hell deems ANY wine worth three grand.

    This even happened one month or so into his Premiership - didn't it?.

    Now, I don't know the ins and outs of all this huge schemozzle - being from country bumpkin Victoria - but this guy was honorable enough to fall on his sword - immediately - no to-ing and fro-ing, denials, and slippery wriggling out defiant bluff. Seems to have been hugely esteemed, and held to have immense integrity. To have run his State extremely well - many friends' tears shed today, on his and his family''s behalf, it seems.

    Who was the bloke whop have him this hugely overpriced plonk. And who was it who actually produced the note - and dobbed him in. Was Farrell honest in his non-recall of this gift in these latter years of his career - and where is the actual wine.

    Gosh, Thomson up on dozens of charges. Gets bail - and so far, a slap on the wrist. Gillard, who kept him on, and said she had total faith in him, now touring the world's glamor spots, free as a bird, it's said - safe, and comfortable early retirement, on her millions. Certain allegations against her still alive, and kicking. Her Party turning a blind eye. As they are with allegations against Shorten, supposedly allegedly current.

    But, here comes the gleeful rush of the smug, self-righteous sanctimonius Left - Labor and Greens can't wait for the mikes to be switched on - to blather scorn, demean, defamation,fake rage, and hypocritical posturings - about how lily white THEIR Parties always are.

    Do I hear mention of Obeid behaviours? Or allegations current re. Shorten, Gillard - other Union hiercarchy? Alleged "Jobs for the boys" judicial politically motivated appointments allegedly by Labor figures, doing some alleged "propping up" of positions? NO? Deathly silence?

    Of course there is.

    Glib gloaters the lot of them. A despicable bunch of hypocrites.

    ABC hugely delighted. This'll provide at least another three months "fodder" for their constant and spiteful Leftist spins. ABC's Tony Jones's heaven!
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