Like petrol or diesel or liquid gas RhysT?
But even if it was portable, the tanks storing the electrolyte solution at the service stations would have to be enormous?
And (- always on the quest for intelligence -), your trucks and locomotives would need to be built like honey ants as well ?
A 20 MWh flow battery, which stores energy from a wind turbine, at the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT in Pfinztal, Germany. Credit: Photo by Uli Deck/picture alliance via Getty Images
.. In that useful report by Ellen Phidian, there’s comment from the (ubiquitous) Vince Algar of AVL , and also from Associate Professor Alexey Glushenkov, a chemist and research lead in battery materials at the Australian National University’s Battery Storage and Grid Integration Program;
….“They have less energy density. Therefore, to build a comparative battery you need to make it very, very large,” says Glushenkov…”
And from Canadian (?) battery developer Matt Harper of Invinity which subsequent to this story, on 16/01/23, entered [ A UK vanadium energy rental deal .]
Oooh the ‘nips’ do seem to be getting stronger with more and more deals are getting done.
I wish TMT would get a move on
…. But am I wrong about this size thing?
Are they able to make a more concentrated electrolyte solution that works the same but has less volume?