Batterys are they the way to go?, page-113

  1. 82,049 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''You are a very complex and troubled soul pinto''

    you are very correct there -------------- and why is that? An example -

    I saw a crowd chanting outside of Lennon's Hotel in Brisbane to Johnson --------- 'all the way with LBJ'

    morons, total morons - even at that age, I understood that these people were fools.
    what I did a little later - was to participate in anti war theatre

    what happened was that the moron mob got their way and off we went to war with a very beautiful people who were neighbours and never a threat to us -
    we got over 400 body bags back and over 500 injured - and we got our arse kicked
    we lost and never got invaded
    years later I nursed many of the participants in that war - all traumatised
    I also went to My Lai with family of and met family who had lived only a few kilometres from there all their lives - they treated me with kindness and respect and hospitality - so much for an enemy. Even after our 'side' had shot their babies in the arms of their mothers so both were killed and fell into the mud

    That's one thing that's given me a 'troubled soul' -------- why?

    because I then saw the same moron mob - send yet MORE young folk to fight in MORE wars which had nothing to do with us at all - and we went from my Oz having a wonderful reputation in the ME - to being seen as war criminals and an enemy to be attacked wherever possible

    an now - the very same morons - want to pick fights with China etc --------- to get a repeat of their total stupidity

    you wonder why I'm pissed off????????

    Does one have to be complex to notice such things? - I would have thought it pretty obvious.

    Every time I walk by monuments to our dead from the Vietnam war - I speak to them, I apologise for the stupidity of my fellow Ozzies and apologise that I was not strong enough to make common sense heard and I apologise to all their grandchildren who do not exist now - but, should have

    I think I've earned the right to be angry with my fellow Ozzies ------------ we have destroyed 'My country' in many ways ------- and we've thrown away life and opportunity in a flurry of wilful stupidity and a spectacular lack of vision.
    Last edited by pintohoo: 29/04/24
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