Batterys are they the way to go?, page-63

  1. 19,696 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 33
    thankfully there's people who are actually educated and experienced in this sector, so that we don't have to rely on your EV maths

    By AEMO’s current calculations, outlined in the ISP, 61 GW of storage capacity is needed by 2050 under the Step Change scenario.

    That’s 17 times current levels.

    A heavy lifter in this new landscape will be dispatchable energy storage, derived from multiple sources such as utility-scale batteries, pumped hydro, community batteries and other orchestrated distributed batteries.

    Capacity from these quarters needs to increase from current levels of 1.5 GW to 46 GW, a 30-fold increase.

    Energy storage systems and the NEM | AEMC
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