Battleground States swing to Clinton after debate, page-4

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Actually Trump did win in one area of the debate in landslide fashion.

    He romped home on the number of lies he told during the debate.

    Straight after the debate some 16 lies were quickly identified with cast iron proof

    then I noticed that the number went up to 20 to Clintons nil. in the mainstream media.

    But seems Hillary’s team at reckon they spotted some 58 lies from Trump,


    “ During a 90-minute debate, in which he spoke for approximately 46 minutes, Trump managed to squeeze in 58 lies, distortions, and straight-up figments of his imagination into his answers—and we’re not even counting the times he repeated his lies.

    Here’s what we counted (but frankly, it was hard to keep up):
    Trump lied when he denied praising Russian president Vladimir Putin.
    Trump lied when he claimed Hillary created the birther movement.
    Trump lied when he denied calling climate change a Chinese hoax.
    Trump lied about his support for the Iraq War. (At least three times.)
    Trump lied when he said New York City’s unconstitutional “stop and frisk” policy caused a decrease in crime.
    Trump lied when he said ISIS formed under Hillary and President Obama’s watch.
    Trump lied when he denied saying pregnancy is an inconvenience.
    Trump lied when he denied saying women don’t deserve equal pay.
    Trump lied when he said Hillary has no plan to create jobs.
    Trump lied when he said you can’t release your tax returns during an audit.
    Trump lied about the United States paying Iran more than $1 billion as part of the Iran nuclear deal.
    Trump lied about his company’s debt—saying $650 million in debt is not a lot.
    Trump lied about how many companies are leaving the United States, especially when he said they are “leaving in bigger numbers than ever.”
    Trump lied when he said that he was quoted in Esquire magazine about not supporting the Iraq War.
    Trump lied when he said his father gave him “a very small loan.”
    Trump lied when he claimed credit for NATO opening a terrorism division.
    Trump lied when he said he’s developed good relationships with African Americans. (Polls show “little-to-no African-American support for Donald Trump.”)
    Trump lied when he said he and Hillary agree on child care (they agree it’s necessary—but Hillary, and most independent experts, disagrees with Trump’s plan).
    Trump lied when he said Hillary doesn’t want to use the words “law and order.”
    Trump lied when he said he didn’t pay small businesses and contractors for their work because they didn’t do a good enough job.
    Trump lied when he said Hillary put out the rumor that he supported the Iraq War.
    Trump lied when he said he doesn’t mind releasing his tax returns.
    Trump lied when he said other people don’t get audited.
    Trump lied when he said he has “much less” than $650 million in debt.
    Trump lied when he said he told Howard Stern “I don’t know, maybe” about the Iraq War.
    Trump lied when he said Iran has “total power” over North Korea.
    Trump lied when he said Iran was ready to fall under sanctions before the Iran deal.
    Trump lied when he said ISIS has a lot of the oil in Libya.
    Trump lied when he said Hillary has only recently started talking about trade.
    Trump lied when he said you can learn more from a financial disclosure than tax returns.
    Trump lied when he said no one cared about the birther issue until recently.
    Trump lied when he said nobody knows it was Russia that hacked the DNC.
    Trump lied when he said nobody wants to call Sean Hannity to confirm he was against the Iraq war.
    Trump lied when he said Hillary could have defeated ISIS by never having it get going in the first place.
    Trump lied when he claimed Hillary was unable to produce President Obama’s birth certificate (note: she didn’t try—because she didn’t believe it was necessary).
    Trump lied when he said Hillary’s created so many bad deals.
    Trump lied when he said B-52 bombers are outdated.
    Trump lied when he said Hillary’s very cavalier in the way she talks about various countries.
    Trump lied when he said Sid Blumenthal sent a reporter to investigate President Obama’s birth certificate.
    Trump lied when he said his tax plan will create millions of new jobs.
    Trump lied when he said Hillary changed her position on TPP after he came out against it.
    Trump lied when he said Hillary is just beginning to think about job creation.
    Trump lied when he said he only filed for bankruptcy four times.
    Trump lied when he said his contractors were paid a lot even if they didn’t get paid everything they were owed.
    Trump lied when he said Hillary hasn’t created jobs in 30 years.
    Trump lied when he said we have no leadership in bringing jobs back (apparently, he’s not counting the 15 million jobs created under President Obama).
    Trump lied when he said you don’t learn much from tax returns.
    Trump lied when he said Hillary has no trade plan.
    Trump lied when he said the Federal Reserve is doing political things by keeping interest rates down.
    Trump lied when he said Hillary called TPP the finest deal she’s ever seen.
    Trump lied when he said Hillary treated President Obama with terrible disrespect during the debates.
    Trump lied when he said she wants to approve TPP.
    Trump lied when he said Hillary’s regulations will kill jobs.
    Trump lied when he said you’re telling the enemy everything you want to do.
    Trump lied when he said New York City’s old stop and frisk policy wasn’t ruled unconstitutional.
    Trump lied when he said Hillary’s been “fighting ISIS her entire adult life.”
    Trump lied when he said the Iran deal is a mess.
    Trump lied when he called his lies “facts.”
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