bbc changes terminology - two-faced bastards

  1. 328 Posts.
    Took a poke in the eye close to now the BBC changes it's terminology.......3 years after appeals were made to it in light of similar bombings in Israel!!!

    It was very frustrating to see the European media, and especially the BBC, refuse to call these attacks by their real name: terror attacks.

    BBC officials insisted that the word terrorism should never be used in order to preserve what they called “neutral language.”

    The BBC’s policy was expressed by Joanna Mills, editor of BBC World Update, who wrote the following in correspondence with in 2003: "It is the style of the BBC World Service to call no one a terrorist, aware as we are that one man's terrorist is another one's freedom fighter."

    From the BBC’s official producer's manual: “Our credibility is severely undermined if international audiences detect a bias for or against any of those involved. Neutral language is key: even the word “terrorist” can appear judgmental in parts of the world where there is no clear consensus about the legitimacy of militant political groups.”

    From the BBC’s official Editorial Guidelines:

    “The word "terrorist" itself can be a barrier rather than an aid to understanding. We should try to avoid the term, without attribution. We should let other people characterise while we report the facts as we know them.”

    Hundreds of terror attacks in Israel and elsewhere around the world didn’t change the BBC policy.

    It took one day of terror attacks in London for the BBC to give up their so-called “principle.”
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