BBC: ukraine warplane seen under MH17, page-3

  1. 417 Posts.
    Interesting that we are only given one side of the story.
    ALL of the press is towing the propaganda line as dictated by vested interested from the west
    the Russian side of the story is non existent, SBS seems to be the only news service that at times
    mentions what is said by Russia.
    Last night there was an interview with a Russian analyst he posed 3 questions
    1. Why has the Ukrainian Gov NOT released the data from air traffic control surely this would clarify
    many issues and may lead to portion of the truth.
    2..Why has NO satellite data been provided?
    [The U.S. can provide troop movements but not a missile launch ?]
    3. Why has the data from BOTH of the black boxes NOT been released
    The voice recorder would again give an indication as to the instructions MH17
    were given by ground control.

    Who has the most to gain in distorting facts and hiding the truth?
    P.S. I am not pro one side or the other buy the manipulation and distortion of the
    of the truth for political gain in this case [a major tragedy] I find loathsome .
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